
Your search enquiries generate funds for ocean restoration projects.


The search engine for ocean restoration

It's time to act

The latest headlines have taken the world’s collective breath away: more plastic than fish in the ocean by 2050. But that’s not all, we face the loss of most corals by 2040, rising sea levels, growing dead zones, collapsing fisheries, acidification, accelerating rates of extinction, habitat loss, and more. Our ocean, downstream from all of us, offers a disturbing reflection on our single use, throwaway approach to living on this planet.

Overcoming these challenges requires a new human narrative that emphasizes the importance of rebuilding abundance in the natural world. Conserving what remains is no longer enough. We have reason to be optimistic and take bold action – innovative solutions exist to bridge the ingenuity gap and create transformative change at a global scale.

Achieving lasting change

Afforestation of 9% of our ocean would remove 53 billion tons of CO2 from the atmosphere, drastically lowering atmospheric carbon levels and offering new hope for stopping climate change, de-acidifying the oceans, and creating restorative and su tainable fisheries for a hungry world. We are building a coalition of ambitious partners to scale these solutions around the world.

The magnitude of change needed to alter our current trajectory requires the mobilization of enormous resources – that’s why we initiated the first search enginge that restores our oceans - We identify scalable solutions that can rebuild abundance in the world’s ocean and the partners that have the ingenuity and capability to realize transformational change. We focus on projects and technologies that are restoring kelp, seagrass, mangroves, and coral reefs, and satisfy the following criteria :

How it works

It's as easy as 1-2-3


How we allocate the funds


OCEANA – the world's leading non-profit entirely dedicated to the protection and restoration of ocean ecosystems

OCEANS 2050 – a global initiative for restoring abundance and ocean afforestation by Alexandra Cousteau and the Good Impact Foundation.

About Azula

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